
MFJ2023  | March For Jesus Walk - Augusta

about the march

In August of 2015 God brought a dream to life. The dream? Christ followers coming together in downtown Augusta, GA to celebrate their common faith in Christ. That sun-drenched Saturday morning thousands of believers from across the CSRA gathered for the first ever March for Jesus Augusta.

Again, in October of 2016, thousands came together to celebrate and worship. In August of 2017 and again in August 2018 we gathered for a memorable time of praise, prayer, worship, and celebration.

Saturday, March 23, 2023 YOU are invited to join us as we gather together in downtown Augusta to lift up the name of Jesus and boldly proclaim His Lordship over our community.

We need to publicly share our faith in Jesus Christ and the hope that is found only in him. When the Body of Christ is unified it encourages the local church and displays unity in our community. It’s NOT about being the same, it’s about being united.


We’ll gather for the March at 7:30AM near Curtis Baptist Church.
We’ll begin the walk to the Augusta Commons at 8:00 AM

watch last year's video


Who is organizing the March?

Christians in media in the CSRA are working together to oversee the details of the March. They include WBPI-TV 49, 99.9 WUCC, 1380AM WNRR, and Bryton Entertainment. The March is not about any single church, ministry, or denomination; it's about lifting up the Lord Jesus Christ and declaring him the Lord over the CSRA.

What is the theme of the March?

We'll be praising the Lord as we walk down Broad Street. While we walk, we'll be celebrating with songs like "Raise a Hallelujah" and "Every Praise"

What is the date of the March?

3-25-23. Saturday March 25th, 2023. All who want to lift up the name of Jesus and celebrate with believers from across the CSRA are welcome!

Where will the March begin?

We'll begin near Curtis Baptist Church. We will march together down Broad Street, then gather for a time of community praise, celebration, music, and prayer at the Augusta Commons.

What is the route of the March?

We'll start on 13th and Broad Streets near Curtis Baptist Church, walking about nine blocks together to the Augusta Commons area.

What time is the March?

Folks will begin gathering at 7:30 AM. The March itself will begin at 8:00 AM.

What is the purpose of the March?

The purpose of the March for Jesus Augusta is to bring the Body of Christ together in unity to praise Jesus Christ and declare his Lordship over the CSRA. We believe the March is also a statement to our community that the Church (in spite of our differences) is united as a community of faith. We hope this example will, in turn, inspire and encourage Christ followers in other cities to celebrate with their own local Marches. Nope, it's NOT a political gathering!

Will there be March for Jesus T Shirts available?

Yes, as well as hats. Click here for the order form.

Do you have resources for my church?

Yes, invite postcards are now available at TV 49 in North Augusta. Please also visit our FB page regularly for updates! Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/AugustaForJesus/

What will happen the day of the March?

We will gather near Curtis Baptist Church - 1348 Broad St, Augusta, GA in downtown Augusta at 7:30AM. We will begin our walk together down Broad Street at 8:00 AM. Then we'll gather in the Augusta Common for a time of prayer, music, celebration, and fellowship. There will be areas specifically for prayer, a Kids Zone for children, as well as a few vendors on site- Yes, including food vendors.

How can I help get the word out?

Tell your Pastor and church family about the March NOW so they can plan for it. Share the date through your social media platforms. Visit the March for Jesus Augusta Facebook page or come back to our web site to stay current with our preparations. Please also feel free to stop by Watchmen Broadcasting TV 49 Studios at 1750 Knox Ave, North Augusta, SC and pick up some postcards you can share with others about the event.

Will there be a speaker when we gather at the Commons?

Yes - More details will be coming soon.

Our church group would like to attend. What do we need to do?

Please let us know how many folks will be coming with your group by registering. Registration forms are available at the TV 49 WBPI studios in North Augusta. Thank you for praying for this day and asking for God's presence and blessing.

Will you need volunteers?

Yes! For an event of this magnitude volunteers will be needed in the days leading up to the March as well as the day of the March itself. Call 803-278-3618, email a4jvols@gmail.com or visit WBPI.org.

Are sponsorships and vendor spots available?

Yes! We are looking for sponsors to help cover the cost of making this event available to the community. If you would like to be a sponsor or a vendor please call 803-278-3618 and ask for Tamara. We are looking for volunteers now. We are so excited and look forward to a great move of God during this event.

I have a question you haven't addressed here, who should I contact?

Call 803-278-3618.

I'm coming to the March from out of town, where should I stay?


When calling the hotel, tell them that you are with the March for Jesus, Augusta, to get the special rate.

Augusta Marriott, Downtown
2 Tenth St | Augusta, GA 30901
Rate: $109

The Augusta Marriott is a premium hotel in downtown Augusta and on the Savannah River. It is the closest to The Commons, where the march ends. You must book early. Already there are many rooms booked for that weekend. The Augusta Marriott is also within walking distance of the march.




You may also donate!

Click the button below to make a secure donation to our organization.

contact us

1750 Knox Ave North Augusta, SC 29841    |    803.278.3618    |    To Volunteer, Email a4jvols@gmail.com
